The City of Vincent is a busy and progressive inner city local government authority committed to providing the infrastructure, services and community events and programmes which meet the current and future needs of residents, ratepayers, business proprietors and visitors to Vincent.
To ensure that the City is managed effectively and efficiently and that long-term sustainability (economic, environmental and social) is assured, a number of corporate plans and strategies have been adopted, are progressively implemented and are continually reviewed to remain relevant.
Primary guiding documents
Annual reports
Plans & strategies
Enhanced environment
The natural environment contributes greatly to our inner-city community. We want to protect and enhance it, making best use of our natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.
Accessible city
We want to be a leader in making it safe, easy, environmentally friendly and enjoyable to get around Vincent.
Connected and healthy community
We are a diverse, welcoming and engaged community. We want to celebrate what makes us unique and connect with those around us to enhance our quality of life.
Thriving places
Thriving Places are integral to our identity, economy and appeal. We want to create, enhance and promote great places and spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Sensitive design
Design that ‘fits in’ to our neighbourhoods is important to us. We want to see unique, high quality developments that respect our character and identify and respond to specific local circumstances.
Innovative & accountable
The City of Vincent has a significant role to play in supporting our community to realise its vision. To achieve this, we will be an innovative, honest, engaged and responsible organisation that manages resources well, communicates effectively and takes our stewardship role seriously.
Other documents