Before You Sign a Commercial Lease

It is an exciting time, you have a sensational new business idea and have found the perfect location in the City of Vincent. But before you get those doors open, start paying rent and sign on the dotted line of any commercial leasing agreement, there are a few questions you might want to consider that may save you time, money and energy in the long run.

Never sign a lease unless you completely understand and agree with all the clauses and you started your approval process.

Ensure you seek financial and legal advice before you sign anything.

The tips and tools provided here are intended for general information only. It is important to get professional financial and legal advice before you sign a lease.

FAQ for small businesses

Need further help?

City of Vincent:

You can contact the City in a number of ways:

  • Email [email protected] and provide the address of the property you are enquiring about
  • Phone 9273 6000 Monday to Friday between 8.30am – 5.00pm
  • Visit the Administration counter at 244 Vincent Street (corner of Loftus Street), Leederville between 8.30am – 5.00pm.

Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC):

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