10 September 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024




1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    Nos. 367 and 369 (Lot: 273 & 274; D/P: 1237) Fitzgerald Street, North Perth - Proposed Commercial Development (Unlisted Use - Viewing Tower and Associated Fencing) (Unauthorised Existing Development)

5.2   No. 9 (Lot: 22, D/P: 6645) Baker Avenue, Perth - Change of Use from Single House to Single House and Unlisted Use (Music Studio) (Amendment to Approved)

5.3   Advertising of Draft Auckland Street Character Area Guidelines

5.4   Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Local Planning Policy: Development Guidelines for Heritage Places

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1   Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Stormwater Drainage Connections Policy

6.2    RFT IE318/2024 Pruning of Street Trees under Powerlines

6.3   RFT IE346/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Sports Floodlighting Upgrade

6.4   RFT IE345/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Playing Surface Redevelopment

7       Community and Business Services

7.1   Financial Statements as at 31 July 2024

7.2   Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 July 2024 to 31 July 2024

7.3   Investment Report as at 31 July 2024

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1   Consideration of Authorisations Associated with Land Management

8.2   Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

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