PLEASE NOTE: The agenda with attachments has now been uploaded.
Item 12.5 Election Signs Policy has been withdrawn by Administration
Agenda PDF
Agenda HTML
Condition 8 of Item 9.2 (48 Egina Street) and Item 9.3 (48A Egina Street) has been revised following the Council Briefing on 16 March 2021, to address an inaccuracy with the wording of the condition. Condition 8 as included in the Briefing Agenda referred to a right of way, which is not applicable for the lot. This has been corrected.
Replacement Item 9.2 - 48 Egina Street, Mt Hawthorn - Proposed Single House
Replacement Item 9.3 - 48A Egina Street, Mt Hawthorn - Proposed Single House
Council Briefing Notes
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes 16 February 2021 - marked up corrections
Minutes PDF Minutes HTMLAttachments to the Minutes Minutes with Attachments Included
Minutes PDF
Minutes HTMLAttachments to the Minutes
Minutes with Attachments Included