Group Fitness

The City of Vincent recognises that physical activity is a valuable element of a healthy and vibrant community. The City is committed to providing places for people to participate in a wide range of activities that enhance physical health and well-being. On this page, you will find all the information required to gain a permit to run group fitness in a City of Vincent park or reserve. These guidelines do not apply to not for profit or community organisations who are accessing the City of Vincent’s parks.

Why do I need a permit?

Permits are required to allow effective management of reserve usage, and to manage maintenance on reserves. Permits also enable the City to ensure all group fitness sessions occurring on City’s parks meet fitness industry standards. An approved Group Fitness permit ensures:

  • access to suitable parks for training activities;
  • access to floodlights and other amenities as required;
  • notification of any events or maintenance scheduled on the park that may interrupt your sessions and offered alternatives where required; and
  • the City can program tasks such as mowing and irrigation around your booking.

Where multiple reserves are required, a separate Group Fitness Application Form must be submitted for each individual reserve at the time of application.

Click here to find out more information relating to permits.

Fees and charges

Group Fitness permit fees and charges apply to all group fitness and commercial group fitness businesses utilising City of Vincent parks. Permit fees must be paid in full prior to commencement.

Where permits are required outside of seasonal periods, a pro-rata fee calculation relevant to the current seasonal fee will be applied.

Group Fitness Permit fees and charges 
6 Month Permit
Small (up to 5 participants) $ 330.00
Medium (5-10 participants) $ 660.00
Large (11-20 participants) $ 1,370.00

How to make a booking

Read the Group Fitness Guidelines

Group Fitness Guidelines

Read the Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Complete the Group Fitness Application Form

Group Fitness Application Form

Submit the form

Submit the form along with the other required documentation to


After submission, your form will go to an Officer from the Community Partnerships Team who will process your application and you will be advised of the outcome within 15 working days.

Group Fitness permits will be issued and remain valid for 6 months. Permits will authorise each trainer to use a designated park for community fitness training activities on a non-exclusive basis.

More information

For more information about Group Fitness permits, please contact 9273 6565 or email

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