The City of Vincent does not provide a Waste Collection Service for businesses. At the September 15, 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting the decision was made to end the City’s commercial waste and recycling service on the 30 June 2021.

To learn more refer to item 10.1 in the minutes below.

 Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting | 15 September 2020


My business is located in the City of Vincent. How can I find a service provider for my waste?

Below is a list of the WALGA preferred suppliers, alternatively you can search online to find more services near you at or

Name Phone Email
Cleanaway  131339 
Instant Waste  9379 2111 
JJ Richards 6278 1000 
SOLO 9410 1566 
SUEZ 131335 
Veolia 132955 - option 1 or 2 

The City cannot recommend specific commercial waste providers. We encourage businesses to seek more than one quote. Perhaps even speak with a neighbouring business to share the service.

Why has the City ended its commercial waste service?

The previous commercial waste and recycling service was an extension of the residential two-bin system, rather than a separate and tailored commercial waste service. It wasn't designed to meet the needs of different businesses or encourage the diversion of waste from landfill.  Additionally, the City is implementing a three-bin FOGO system from October 2021 and this service is not suitable for commercial businesses.

Commercial waste companies are better placed to provide this service to businesses. They have economies of scale, and can provide competitively priced services that are tailored to the needs of your business.

These services are designed to maximise recycling and diverting waste from landfill, which is an important consideration for the City that has set a vision of sending zero waste to landfill by 2028.

Why can't the City provide a tailored service?

A fit for purpose, tailored service would require a significant additional investment.  The commercial market already has several major suppliers and is very competitive, and as businesses are not obliged to use the City’s services this is not a viable option.

I have a small commercial business (micro-business) which only generates a small amount of waste

There is an option for the City to provide a residential waste collection service to small businesses. This would be a discretionary, charged service option of $575.27 per annum (plus one-off establishment fee payment of $88.00), principally provided on the basis that it is the best environmental option for the business and can be accommodated in the City’s existing residential collection service.

If you think this service would be suitable for your micro-business, please email or call 9273 6000 to request an assessment form.

Do you have any waste minimisation tips for my business?

Get to know what waste your business is generating and find tips to reduce, reuse and recycle. Planet Ark has developed tips and tools that can get your organisation reducing waste, saving money and improving staff moral:

War on waste toolkit

Who can I contact for further information?

Our Waste Team are here to help you, should you have any queries or require further support, please contact us via 9273 6000 or email

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