Tree Planting Programs

When planting trees within streetscapes, the City of Vincent carefully investigates the most suitable tree for each particular street or area. The City takes into account the aesthetics, maintenance requirements, community preferences, site limitations, and physical characteristics of various species, both native and exotic.

The City undertakes annual street tree planting projects in accordance with its Greening Plan 2018-2023. For more information, please view the Greening Plan webpage

In addition to programmed tree planting projects, residents can request a tree to be planted on their verge if there isn't one already or if there is space for more than one.

Trees are planted annually during the winter months and the City's contractors water them for their first two summers to help them become established. Residents are encouraged to provide extra water during hot dry periods and to continue summer watering after the initial two years.

Replacement street trees will be planted as close to the original trees as practicable. It is important to prioritise alignment with other street trees due to future tree maintenance requirements and the location of both over and underground services. In locations where the old stump remains, the new tree will be planted as close as practical.

Request a street tree

Expressions of interest are now open for the 2025 Winter Street Tree Planting Program. If you are a Vincent landowner now is the time to request your free street tree and help create a greener Vincent.

To request a tree, fill out the online form below or contact our Parks team on or 9273 6000. Once your request is recieved, the team will work with you to select the best tree for the location.

Planting requests for winter 2024 are closed. Requests for the 2025 winter program will close Monday 30 September 2024.

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Tree Selection Tool

The City investigates the most suitable tree for each particular street or area when it plants trees within streetscapes.

To assist in tree selection, the City has developed a Tree Selection Tool.

Tree Selection Tool

National Tree Day

Planet Ark's National Tree Day provides all Australians with an opportunity to do something positive for the environment and reconnect with nature – we’re proud to once again be a part of this national day of tree planting. 

Since early 2011, we’ve been eco-zoning Vincent by converting underutilised turfed areas into native gardens. These gardens increase biodiversity, use less water and fertiliser, and also save labour and electricity used by sprinklers.   

Keep an eye on our events calendar for upcoming projects.

City of Vincent Events Calendar

Native Plant Sale

The City encourages residents to plant natives in their gardens to increase and foster local biodiversity and establish biodiversity corridors throughout Vincent, as well as create waterwise and low maintenance gardens and verges. To help facilitate this, the City hosts two plant sales a year, one in April and one in August.

The sales are held at North Perth Common, from 8 – 11am. There are plenty of horticulturists on site to help residents with plant choice and to provide them with information on the plants available.

The plants cost $1 for tube stock with a variety of species available, from ground covers and small shrubs, to tall shrubs and climbers. A limited number of larger Kangaroo Paws and small trees are available for purchase at $5. Bring a box or small trolley with you for your plants.

Entry to the sale will be off Fitzgerald Street, and you will be asked to exit near the View Street Carpark.

Please note that there is a limit of 20 plants per household and sales are restricted to City of Vincent residents only.

Redeem your 20 free plants at the sale if you have recently signed up to the Adopt A Verge Program. Proudly co-funded by Water Corporation Waterwise Greening Scheme and forms part of our ambition for Vincent to be a leading waterwise community.  

For more information, contact our Parks team on or 9273 6000.

City of Vincent Events Calendar

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