Heritage Assistance fund

The Heritage Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to owners and leaseholders who wish to undertake conservation projects on their properties listed on the City of Vincent Municipal Heritage Inventory, included in a Heritage Area, or on the State Register of Heritage Places. These properties have cultural heritage significance recorded in the Heritage Councils inHerit website.

Examples of conservation works can include re-pointing, fencing repairs and re-roofing. You can also apply for funding for conservation documentation including Conservation Plans and Heritage Impact Statements.

Eligible projects are entitled to up to 50 per cent of the total cost of works, up to a maximum of $5000, subject to assessment and budget availability.

The Heritage Assistance Fund for 2024/25 is now open

Applications for grant funding close 7 September 2024.

Projects are required to be assessed and approved for funding prior to the commencement of the works. The works must be completed and a receipt provided to the City by no later than 30 May 2025.

Requirements for Funding

Heritage Assistance Fund Policy

Please read the Policy before making an application to ensure all requirements are satisfied.

Application and Conditions

Applications for the 2024/25 funding round are to be made through SmartyGrants

Your application will be assessed for eligibility, and conditions must be signed before you commence works.

Please note, that this is a competitive grant program. 


Once construction is complete, applicants are required and acquittal including project details and evidence of grant expenditure. Grants will be paid out upon completion of work, receipt of an acquittal form to the acceptance of the City and also a site visit by City officers. Acquittal forms are to be provided by 30 May 2025.

Heritage Council of western australia grant program

The Heritage Council of Western Australia's (HCWA) Grant Program 2024-25 has now opened. The program offers funding assistance for the conservation, future planning and promotion of State Registered Places. There are two primary funding streams under the program, State Heritage Grants and Community Heritage Grants. 

The State Heritage Grants stream offers funding for physical conservation works, documentation and professional advice relating to the conservation of State Registered places. Grants of up to $50,000 are offered for conservation works projects and up to $16,000 for documentation projects, on a dollar-for-dollar basis. 

The Community Heritage Grants stream offers funding for educational activities, community engagement and interpretation projects that celebrate a State Registered Place, a place in the Heritage Council’s assessment program or group of local heritage places. Grants of up to $10,000 are offered per project.

Applications close 3pm, Friday 9 August 2024. 

For more information, please visit this link.

More Information 

Please contact the City on 9273 6000 or email mail@vincent.wa.gov.au.

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