Leederville/West Leederville link

The City of Vincent and Town of Cambridge have recently completed detailed planning and urban studies for the areas either side of the Mitchell Freeway. The studies follow Transit Oriented Development (TOD) principles, proposing a significant increase in development around the Leederville train station. This highlights the significance of the connection to the station and to the areas either side of it.

In light of this, the two authorities are looking to enhance the existing pedestrian connection across the Mitchell Freeway at the Leederville Station. Consequently, a Feasibility and Design Study will be undertaken, which will involve sketch design options for a pedestrian connection as well as a possible future transit connection. Consideration will also to be given in the Study to including commercial development along either side of the Link. The City of Vincent and Town of Cambridge are currently seeking funding to undertake the Detailed Design Study.

Further Information:

Strategic Planning
9273 6000 or mail@vincent.wa.gov.au

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