Beatty Park Indoor Changerooms

The City of Vincent has built a new accessible changerooms next to the indoor pool at Beatty Park.

The Northern end changerooms, which have been closed due to safety reasons for many years, have been demolished and reconstructed on the pool deck to provide easy access for families and people with a disability.

The facility includes changerooms, concourse changing boxes, unisex toilets, a universal accessible toilet and on deck showers.

It is equipped with energy-efficient initiatives including water efficient showers, toilets and basins fixtures, and LED lighting with sensors.

One of the changerooms is fully accessible for people with disability and high support needs and built under the nationally recognised Changing Places model.

This private changeroom features an adjustable adult-sized change table, constant-charging ceiling track hoist system, centrally located peninsula toilet, additional space, automatic door and a privacy screen.

Project details

Works commenced in February 2024. The project was completed in December 2024.

The project has been designed to have minimal impact to the centre’s patrons and local residents.

More information

If you have any questions about the project, contact the City Buildings team on 9237 6000.


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