Heritage Assistance Fund - Schedule of Works & Conditions of Funding

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  1. A schedule of works shall be submitted to the City of Vincent along with this Conditions of Funding Form. The schedule of works is to document the detail of who is carrying out all the works, which have received funding, and the time allocated to complete the works.
  2. The property owner must obtain all necessary planning and building licence/approvals required to carry out the works.
  3. Work must start within six months of the funding allocation being made and the property owner must notify the City of Vincent of the start date. The assistance funding is allocated and set aside for one year from the date of the receipt of the owner endorsed Conditions of Funding Form. If work is not substantially completed within this time-frame the funding may be withdrawn.
  4. Funds will only be spent on the project for which they were applied and approved by the City of Vincent.
  5. The property owner must immediately advise the City of Vincent of any changes to the schedule of works, financial resources and arrangements connected with the project. Should the proof of expenditure not reflect the monies and works as approved on the Heritage Assistance Fund Application Form and/or the Schedule of Works the following procedures may apply:
    • Only a proportion of the committed funds will be released to reflect the works actually undertaken;
    • A written agreement between the City and applicant will be prepared to reallocate the outstanding funds to other approved conservation works.
  6. The property owner must contact the City of Vincent on completion of the project to organise a site inspection by one of the City's Heritage Officers.
  7. The City will NOT pay the builder/contractor directly. The applicant is required to pay the builder/contractor directly and provide proof of expenditure of the funds to the City of Vincent. The City will then reimburse the applicant for the approved conservation works. Proof of expenditure must be submitted to the City of Vincent no later than 28 days after the completion of the works and shall include:
    • Invoice made out to the applicant with appropriate details of the specific work carried out, as outlined in the schedule of works;
    • Proof of payment by applicant i.e. a receipt; and
    • Photographs of the completed works.
  8. If an extension of the funds period is being sought the property owner will notify the City of Vincent in writing not less than 14 days prior to the original completion date of the project.
  9. The City of Vincent reserves the right to use the documentation or conservation works to promote good heritage practice within the City of Vincent.
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