National Tree Day

National Tree Day

Planet Ark's National Tree Day provides all Australians with an opportunity to do something positive for the environment and reconnect with nature – we’re proud to once again be a part of this national day of tree planting. 

Since early 2011, we’ve been ‘eco-zoning’ Vincent by converting underutilised turfed areas into native gardens. These gardens increase biodiversity, use less water and fertiliser, and also save labour and electricity used by sprinklers.   

Last year as part of the City’s Eco-Zoning Parks and Reserves Implementation Program 2011-2025 and National Tree Day, a portion of the eastern bank of Les Lilleyman Reserve was converted into native garden. This year we will be planting up the remaining banks and National Tree Day will see this new section planted by community-minded people like you!  

Les Lilleyman Reserve's new eco-zones will be part of our wider, long-term greening plan whereby 25 parks and areas like median strips will be eco-zoned. We aim to replace around 10% of Vincent’s unused turfed areas with lovely gardens featuring low-growing native plants.

For further information, please contact the City's Project Officer - Parks & Environment, Sarah Hill at 9273 65899273 6589, or visit the National Tree Day website to register.

Position: City's Project Officer - Parks & Environment

Email: 9273 6589


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