Community Tree Planting Day

Community Tree Planting Day

Join us at Brentham Street Reserve Leederville on Sunday 2 August from 8am to help plant over 3,000 native plants. Come down with the kids and the dog, meet some locals and help us green Vincent!

What will we be planting?
A large range of West Australian and Australian native ground covers and low growing species. West Australian and Australian native species are generally quite hardy, require small amounts of water and fertiliser, build additional habitat for our local fauna species and create a beautiful native landscape.

What do I need to bring?
Vincent will be providing a range of things such as shovels, hand trowels and gloves, but due to the popularity of this event if you have these items at home please bring them along.

8.00am - 9.30am

Sunday, 2 August, 2020

Brentham Street Reserve, Leederville

Category: General

All ages

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