Business approvals - Home-based businesses

Home-based businesses can include varying scales such as:

  • Home office – usually where an occupier undertakes administrative work with no customers attending the house
  • Home occupation – usually where an occupier conducts a business in an area that is 20m2 or less
  • Home business – usually where an occupier conducts a business that employs a maximum of two people who do not reside in the house, and is in area that is 50m2 or less
  • Home store – usually where a shop with a maximum area of 100m2 is attached to the dwelling, and is operated by an occupier

 As a guide the following approvals are typically required if you are intending to operate home business.

Step 1 - Planning

Planning approval is usually not required for operating a home office or home occupation. Planning approval is usually required for home business or home store.

You can download an information sheet on home-based businesses below:

Home Business, Occupation, Store and Office 

If you have any questions, please speak to a Planning Officer on 9273 6000 or email

Step 2 - Building

Check to see whether you require a building permit. Generally, all works involving alterations and additions will require a building permit.

For information on the building permit process, visit the following webpages:

Building Services information

Building application forms

If you have any questions, please speak to a Building Surveyor on 9273 6000 or email

Step 3 - Health

Food businesses

Preparing food at home? Any residential food manufacture is classed as a food business under the Food Act 2008 and must be registered with the City. Only certain low risk foods may be prepared in a residential kitchen.

For more information on the registration process, approval requirements and to download an application form, click the following link:

Food businesses

Skin penetration & beauty therapy

If you are considering opening a skin penetration or beauty therapy salon within your home then a health assessment is required. The City must ensure any skin penetration procedure provided (see definition below) is carried out in a safe and hygienic manner as required under the Health (Skin Penetration Procedure) Regulations 1998 and its Code of Practice.

A skin penetration procedure means a procedure in which the skin is cut, punctured, torn or shaved; or a mucous membrane is cut, punctured or torn. This definition includes a variety of body treatments such as tattooing, body piercing and modifications; and beauty therapy treatments such as waxing, threading and shaving.

For more information on the City’s assessment process, requirements and to download the Hairdressing and Skin Penetration Procedure notification form please click the following link:

Skin penetration procedure, beauty therapy, hairdressers and body art

If you have any questions, please speak to an Environmental Health Officer on 9273 6000 or email

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