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Bin Changeover Information

We will start changing bins over from late October 2021 and tackle different areas with the majority of households changed by the end of November 2021.

We’ll be in touch before the big changeover to let you know when the change will occur.

On changeover day, put your bin out as usual.

Our waste team will:

  • collect your rubbish as per usual
  • throughout the day another vehicle will come and replace your current dark green general waste bin lid with a new lime green FOGO bin lid
  • supply a smaller red lid general waste bin
  • supply your kitchen caddy and FOGO information pack.  

Single dwelling residential properties will be changed first.

For people living in a unit or apartment complex where bins are shared, we have already started trialling some FOGO systems. We will assess multi-unit dwellings on a case by case basis and determine how many of each of the three bins are required for your unit complex based on the size of the units and current bin usage. Most complexes will receive their new FOGO system from early 2022.


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