At the 6 February 2018 Ordinary Meeting of Council, Vincent Council was presented with the results of the community feedback on the plans for Phase Two of the Safe Active Streets Bike Boulevard project. The project aims to create a 30kmh speed zone, providing a safer environment for all users including bike riders, pedestrians and drivers as well as increasing greening within the City.
600 consultation packs were delivered to affected residents and 250 packs sent to absentee landlords, with 62% of residents supporting the project. As a result, the Council has approved progressing with the design and implementation of the project and have requested that minor adjustments be made to the design, wherever possible, to reflect some of the comments made during the consultation process.
The City looks forward to working with the Department of Transport (DoT), who is fully funding this project, on the delivery of the Safe Active Streets Project, with works to begin in late April/Early May.
Phase One of the project (Shakespeare Street – Green Street to Scarborough Beach Road) was completed in late 2016 and initial indications are of reduced traffic speeds and increases in cycling and walking on and around this street.
The Safe Active Streets project seeks to combine the benefits of low speeds and improved pedestrian and bike riding environments for local communities. For more information on the DoT Safe Active Streets Projects visit
More Information
If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact the City’s Engineering directorate on 92736000 or
Phase Two Designs
Shakespeare - Scarborough Beach Road to Salisbury
Shakespeare - Salisbury to Marian
Shakespeare/Scott - Marian to Bourke
End of Scott and Richmond to Loftus
Bourke St - Freeway to Windich Place
Bourke St - Windich Place to Scott