Lightbox Laneway

The Lightbox Laneway is getting a makeover this year. Check back for a relaunch of the Lightbox Laneway program once works are finished.

Previous exhibition

Picture Sound  I  Felicity Groom and May Bluebell  I  February 2021 

A collaborative exhibition of works by two local female artists Felicity Groom and May Bluebell, Picture Sound is an artistic response to both archival photographs and contemporary images of the City of Vincent area. 

Visual artist May Bluebell's work is abstract with a strong focus on Western Australian landscapes, exploring themes of connectivity, community and history. Musician Felicity Groom has created an audio track in response to each of May's prints, available to play through QR codes, so audiences can experience a melodic guided tour along the laneway.

More information

Contact the Urban Design and Strategic Projects team on 9273 6000 or 

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