Requests for owner & Occupier details

Information about owners, occupiers, electors and ratepayers

Section 5.94 of the Local Government Act 1995 (Act) lists categories of information commonly held by local governments that may be inspected by the public on request, subject to the restrictions listed in section 5.95 of the Act. This information includes:

  •  rates records (see section 5.94(m)); and
  • electoral rolls and registers of owners and occupiers (see section 5.94(s)).

Regulation 29B of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 sets out the process for requesting the above information from local governments, and provides that:  

a local government must not make available to a person copies of information referred to in section 5.94(m) or (s) unless -

  • the request for the information is made in the manner and form approved by the CEO of the local government; and
  • the CEO of the local government is satisfied, by statutory declaration or otherwise, that the information will not be used for commercial purposes.”

 A commercial purpose is defined as the use of a public record for the purpose of:

  • sale or resale; or
  • producing a document containing all or part of the copy, printout or photograph for sale; or
  • obtaining of names and addresses from such records for the purpose of solicitation; or
  • for the purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary gain from the direct or indirect use of such public records.

How to request information about owners, occupiers, electors and ratepayers:

  1.  Complete the request for information about owners, occupiers, electors and ratepayers statutory declaration
  2. Arrange for the statutory declaration to be witnesses by a person listed on the form. If you require assistance arranging for the statutory declaration to be signed please contact the City’s Records team on 9273 6000. Any permanent employee of a local government with five or more years of continuous service can witness your statutory declaration at our Administration and Civic Centre.
  3. Submit the witnessed statutory declaration to the City in one of the following ways:
  •  In person at the City of Vincent Customer Service Centre located at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
  •  Posting the statutory declaration to:

City of Vincent
PO Box 82

Note - Requests over the phone are not permitted.

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