2017 Environmental Grants - Winners Announced

Published on Friday, 2 June 2017 at 12:00:00 AM

The City's Environmental Grants program is designed to assist and encourage schools and community groups in carrying out environmental projects within Vincent. In order to be considered for a grant, proposed projects must have a demonstrated outcome for at least one of the objectives of the City’s Sustainable Environment Strategy 2011-2016.

This year we received eight applications and we are pleased to announce that seven of these were successful!

Congratulations to Perth Bike Hub, Mount Hawthorn Primary School P&C, Leederville Gardens Residents Association, Transition Town Mount Hawthorn and Sacred Heart Primary School.

A summary of their successful projects are outlined below:

Perth Bike Hub

Perth Bike Hub has received funding to bring Sydney-based sustainable transport and cities consultant Mark Ames of Strategic Cities to Perth for a series of presentations, talks and tours. He will explore how Perth’s inner-city communities can facilitate increased walking, biking and public transport; how to grow public support for such initiatives and how more walkable and bike-friendly initiatives can promote a more resilient and people-friendly Perth.

Mount Hawthorn Primary School Parents & Citizens Association Inc.

The Mt Hawthorn Primary School P& C has received funding to assist in the transformation of a currently underutilised area into ten raised garden beds for the Pre-Primary classrooms. The garden beds will increase the green space in the school and provide an area for the vitally important play-based learning in nature for the children.

Leederville Gardens Residents Association

The Leederville Gardens Residents association has received funding to reduce the villages residential waste that goes to landfill through the development of a composting hub and sustainable vegetable garden. Residents will contribute kitchen and garden waste to be composted, which when finished, will then be incorporated into the vegetable garden.

Transition Town Vincent – ‘Boomerang Bag’

Transition Town Vincent has received funding to set up a ‘Boomerang Bag’ box within the shopping precinct of Mount Hawthorn to reduce the number of single use plastic bags consumed by the community. The concept of a ‘Boomerang Bag’ is the reusable bag is borrowed when you forget to bring your personal reusable bags shopping, and the bag is returned next time you go to the shop. The bags are free and in an attractive box (ideally near the checkout), making them an environmentally friendly, convenient alternative to single use plastic bags.

Transition Town Vincent – Movie Nights

Transition Town Vincent has received funding to screen a series of free-admission sustainability themed films for the community. Grant funding will be used to pay for screening rights of twelve films which will be screened between August 2017 and July 2018. Foyer Oxford will provide the venue for the movie screenings free of charge.

Sacred Heart Primary School

Sacred Heart Primary School has received funding to transform an unused area into an ‘Outdoor Classroom’ garden. The project will also involve the installation of an herb and vegetable garden that the students will design and establish. The garden will enable the integration of classroom learning with real life activities and opportunities so that the students understand the importance of their learning and make connections to their world around them.

North Perth Primary School

North Perth Primary school has received funding to support and assist in their annual olive oil production and environmental awareness campaign. This project involves the recycling of unwanted olives by turning them into bottled olive oil and will involve the North Perth Primary School P&C committee, students and their families and various members and organisations within the local community.

For more information on the City's Environmental Grants program or any of the other great Green Initiatives within Vincent, please contact the City's Project Officer - Parks & Environment, Sarah Hill on 9273 6589 or by email at sarah.hill@vincent.wa.gov.au.

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